straight vegetable oil conversion: Seven: Find your parts!

Tuesday, July 19, 2005


Seven: Find your parts!

Well I am slowly moving here. Tom has just had an exhibition of his art so he has been a bit busy and left me with the homework of fininding the parts we need...
We have all the hoses and joiners located, but the rest where oh where can they be?
So hello universe, where do I start looking for the 3 or 6 port solenoid?
where is the fully awesone fuel filter? What about some kind of thermoswitch which will switch the fuel to the oil tank when it is hot enough? A Tank guage so I know when to refill?
Please click the comments link below if you have any ideas!

Very cool. There are a group of people here in the States who run their Diesel Mercedes on vegetable oil.
thanks for letting me know about that you have any web link or even email address for them? I'd love to build up a collection of knowledge-heads...
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